Monday, April 5, 2010

An American Slave- Frederick Douglass

Using your iPods, respond to the following questions and prompts:

*What do you think is the biggest change that this person made either in their own life or in the lives of others?

*What is one connection you can make between yourself and something you read in the book?

*After you have answered these questions, ask your classmates a question that you have about the novel. You should also answer one of your classmates' questions.


  1. Carl
    I think that the bigest change he made in other peoples lives was teaching other slaves to read.
    I can connect with Frederick douglas because he thought that literacy was very impotant I do as well. How do you think Frederick Douglas was able to stay positive evan as he was a slave.

  2. Hi, this is Wiley W., and I am commenting on the book Frederick Douglass. Learning to read and write was an important change in the life of Frederick Douglass. It allowed him to show the brutality of slavery to the world. A connection that I can make to Douglass is that we both found that knowledge is power, and quickly learned to read. Also, I was wondering how Douglass learned that he was able to make a change, even though he grew up being unable to change anything?

  3. 1. I think that the biggest change Frederick Douglass made was in his own life, and that was going from being a slave to being a free man. This is a huge change because the lifestyle of a free man is totally different from that of a slave.

    2. This story is totally different from my life. I have never experience anything like what he went through, but i have gone through some hard times that I needed A lot of perseverance to get through, sortof like Frederick Douglass needed a lot of perseverance to get through his slave years hoping that there was freedom up ahead.

    My question is did he ever have kids or get married? By the time hebwas free he was pretty old, and I don't know if he did while he was a slave.

    in answer to carls question, he was Christian so I'm guessing that his belief that he was part of something bigger helped him get through hard times.

  4. The biggest change in this book to me is that he learnd to read. The connection I made is reading I think reading is so important because without reading you cant do any thing, everything you do you have to know how to read. I think he was able to stay positive because he didnt let it get to him, and he just kept trying. How do you think he was able to handel being a slave?
