Monday, April 5, 2010

Dreams From My Father- Barack Obama

Using your iPods, respond to the following questions and prompts:

*What do you think is the biggest change that this person made either in their own life or in the lives of others?

*What is one connection you can make between yourself and something you read in the book?

*After you have answered these questions, ask your classmates a question that you have about the novel. You should also answer one of your classmates' questions.


  1. 1) I think that (in the book) he made the biggest chande in his own life. He was born into a situation where he could have easily become a drug dealer or gone to jail. But he worked hard and acheived a lot! (of course, afterthe nook he became president, so...)
    2) I can relate to him because he had a single mother and so do I. So we both could potentially have note trouble succeeding, bit that won't stop us! :)
    3) question: by reading the outcome of the book, would you have guesses hat he would be one president?

  2. The biggest change that Obama made was in his own life. He came from a situation that was not too promising and became the president of the USA!

    I can relate to him because I too have wished to meet large areas of my family, but have not yet.

    I don't think that by reading the book I could have guessed that Obama would become president, but I would have guessed that one day he would become successful in his own right, just like his father before him.

    Why do you think that Obama began to smoke?

  3. Michelle C. Period 3April 13, 2010 at 10:17 AM

    1.I think the biggest change that he made in his own life was becoming the first African-Amercian prsident.
    2.The one connection between him and me was that we both lived in a other country for a few years.
    3.Question-Why do you think he wanted to be the president?
    Answer to Micah's qusetion-I don't think I would have guessed that he would be president because I would have thought that he would want to be a lawyer or something else.

  4. 1. I think that the biggest change that he went through in the book was taking time out of his own hands and helping a community. He is very patient and does not resort to violence.
    2.One connecttion would be he has a very big family that he never knew of and so do I! I have cousings that I never met and second cousins that I have never met.
    3. Question: What do you think would have happened if either one of his father never died?
    Answer: To answer Will's question, I think he started to smoke because he was starting to stray or maybe that friend he had in coolege was doing it too. He started failing his class too!

  5. The bigest change that Barack Obama made in the book was his coming full circle with the past and his father. He has also helped many people along the way(and now is the President). I can relate to his wanting to help other people.
    Michelle's Q- I think that Barack Obama wanted to be president because he wanted to not just chage places like Altegeld but the whole Nation as well.
    Question-If Barack's father was alive do you think he would be proud of Obama's change and the difference he has made in the world?

  6. Hey it's me again! To answer Will's question, I think he probably started smoking because a lot of the people he had been hanging aroun with smoked. Also, it may have provided an escape for him from all of his troubles.

  7. 1) I think that the biggest change in the book was a personal change in Obama. Obama very easily could have had a very horrible future ahead of him, however, he made a change and built his own future. He obviously made it very far because he is now the president of the U.S.A.
    2) A connection that I personally have with this book is wanting to see a change either in myself or in others around me who are getting into trouble.
    3) Question: After reading thus book, did your opinion about Obama change?
    My answer: Throughout the book at points I wouldquestion Obama's judgement, and if he can't take care of himself, how could he take care of a country, however, at the end of the book I was very impressed with Obama and I trust that he'll take care of us.

  8. Helen Hubacher 7th periodApril 13, 2010 at 1:56 PM

    I think that the biggest change Barack Obama made was not only in his own life, but in the lives of the people he made friends with in Chicago. I think this because the people who lived there had good ideas and they knew the difference between right and was just that they were not able to or were not permitted to be given a loud enough voice for others to hear about their opinions and problems. However, when Mr. Obama came along, I think that he gave them that extra little push they needed to make a change or changes in their Chicago communities. He was an inspiration and a good influence on them, and they were to him as well, vice versa. So while changing their lives and trying to make them better, they were doing the same to his.

    I can connect to this book in two ways: One is that my father has to go on buisiness trips for weeks at a time, so I am often left with just a mother for a while. The other way I can relate is that when my dad goes on these trips, he almost always goes to Kenya, which is one of the main settings in Barack Obama's book.

    Helen's question: Do you think Barack Obama changed any opinions of his after meeting his family in Kenya and learning about them?

    I think Barack Obama began to smoke a) because all of his friends did, and b) it was practically a different age back then: though people knew smoking was bad, it wasn't as big of an issue as it is now.

  9. I think that the biggest change he made in the book occured when he
    moved to New York City. The book never made it clear as to why he made the change in his life, however, he does say that he stopped his heavy drinking
    habbits and that he stopped using drugs. It was also in New York City that he decided to become a comuntiy organizer. A decison that
    eventualy led up to him becoming the presiden.
    Obama and I both led very diffrent lives. I certainly have led a much easier life, with a lot less problems. Still, I can identify with him in his ambition. As a young child and as a young adult Obama strived to be the best possible and he dreamed of going far. I also really want to succed and to have the oppertumity to work my dream job you would have to be an extremly smart person.
    Megan- I think that Obama's father would be extremly proud of him. However, I don't think that Obama would have become president. His father problably would have forced Obama to take a more distinguished caraer path than comunity organizer. Obama would problably be some sort of news company executive.
    Do you think that Obama would have gone as far had he not been African-American?

  10. Alec Nelson perion 8
    1) I think that the biggest change Obama made in his own life was getting interested in politics because this compleatly changes the corse of his life and led to him becoming the first black president.
    2) One connection that I had with Obama was that I also feal like I don't know my own identity like Obama when he was in school.
    3) Question- WhatEhat Do you think that Obama would do differently if he could go back to being in school at the end of the book?
    4) Michelle c. Answer- I think that he wanted to become president because he knew that changes needed to be brought to America and he was also very ambitious and driven.

  11. I think that his biggest chang was most definently with himself because if this change didn't happen then he wouldn't be the man that he is today. One connection that I make with Obama is that i experienced the death of my father. Even though Barack didn't really know his father as much as he could of I bet he was still very hurt that he lost his father.... I know I was.
    Question: what do u think was the moral of main message of the story?

  12. Helen: my first opinion of Obama didn't change but my opinion of the book did change. At first this book, to me looked like it was not going to be interesting but I actually enjoyed the book and would reccomend it to everyone.

  13. I believe that Barack Obama's biggest changes throughout the story ended up being beneficiary to both him and others. One challenge that Obama was able to overcome was his initial sense of a lack of belonging. Towards the beginning of the novel, he felt like because of his bi-racial background, he had a difficult time finding where he "belonged" in society. In virtue of finding out more about his family in Kenya, he also learned that maybe he didn't need to fit in, our narrow his mindset to that of one single group. In the process, he hits several rough patches including troubles with alcohol and experimenting with drugs. But he strived to achieve success and as a result was able to turn his life around! I believe that this was one of the most important, as well as inspirational, changes that transpired.

    Also, by setting an example that you can come from humble beginnings and still accomplish whatever it is that you desire, he served as an inspiration to many of the other characters that he meets on the journey. I would even venture to say that he serves as an inspiration to people everywhere for his accomplishments.

    Though I was able to discover several similarities between Barack Obama and myself, I felt that the major one was that you shouldn't have to try and put yourself in a specific group. You ought to be able to be yourself and connect with people from all different walks of life, particularly your own. For when you do so, these people and experiences shape your life in an extraordinary way. If Barack Obama had not gone on the trip to Kenya, and experienced what he had, he may not have ended up as the person he is today. Also, I look forward to the international travels that will teach me new things about my family which I hadn't known before.

    To answer Meaghan's question, I think that Barack Obama's father would be very proud of his son for not forgetting his Kenyan roots, as well as going on to become the President of the United States.

    My question is this: How do you think Barack Obama's training as a community organizer prepare him for his role as president?

  14. I think that the biggest change he made was going from someone who didnt care about his school work, partied, drank, smoked and used drugs to become the President of the United States of America. He also went throught the change of really finding who he was which mostly happened when he visited his family in Kenya. What i found the most amazing part about this was he did this without having a real father figure in his life which mustve been extremly difficuly
    A connection I made with him was that I still am in contact with my roots which are in Turkey. Also like him they are very supportive and there is a great sense of family with them. This is a very important thing to have because I think that you should never forgot where you truely come from.
    Responding to Helens question, my opinion of him didnt really change because I have a great respect for him and what he does. But one thing that did change was I learned as a young adult he really struggled to find himself and he made a lot of wrong choices but to turn around from that and become the President makes me my opinion of him that much better.
    My question is: if you were living your life in Obama's shoes what would be some things you did differently and some things you did the same?
