Monday, November 30, 2009

Fever, 1793

You have now finished reading your literature circle novel. After discussing the book with your group, share your final impressions of the book.

*In an earlier blog post you talked about a challenge in the novel, how was the challenge faced in your novel?
*Which character did you relate to the most? Why?
* What did you learn from the book?

Using the iTouches, answer all of the above questions in complete sentences.


  1. I relate to Mattie the most! Mattie was a lot llike me becaus she was a bit stubborn, and at first shy, but towards the end, she became her own person! Mattie was a great person throughout the book! And since it was in first person, you automatically connected with her the most! The challenge was about the plague of yellow fever, and they faced the challenge my being bled, going to french doctors, or leaving the country! I learned about courage from this book and I learned that even when things get really rough, If you're around people you care about things won't feel that bad!

  2. Stori S. Jacobs 7 =]December 2, 2009 at 2:19 PM

    I don't really think I relate specificly to any one character but that my essence moves through all of them. I learned how serious this epeidemic was cuz at first i thought it was like a flu or something less devistating...

  3. The challenge that faced Mattie was when her mother got ill with yellow fever. She had a hard time with this at first but once learned that things would work out, she began to breath. I think I most relate to Mattie. One way that I realte to her is that her name is Mattie and so is mine. She also is a bit stubborn and I am too at times. I also can realte to Mattie by striving to be the best I can at all times. The main thing I learned from reading Fever 1793, is hat no matter how tough things get you always will have someone to lean on. Mattie had Eliza and I have my friends and family.

  4. The challenge that I mentioned earlier was about how Mattie’s mother was diagnosed with Yellow Fever. Mattie faced this challenge by having hope that her mother was alive and out of harms way. By believing this, Mattie was able to keep going and not give up when times were rough. I related to Mattie the most because she is hardworking, ambitious, and strong-willed. I always make sure that I am trying my best, I have many goals for the future, and I am quite stubborn at times. While reading Fever 1793, I learned a lot. I never knew that yellow fever was a huge problem in the past. I had always thought that it was not that serious of a disease. Another thing that I learned was that Philadelphia was the first capital of the US. But, the most important thing I learned from Fever 1793 was to never give up and things will work out for the best.

  5. The challenge in my novel was the yellow fever. People paniced and most left the city. Mattie stayed and survived. I think I relate to Mattie the most, because I would make a lot of the same decisions that she made. We act the same too. I kearned that if you do what you think is right you will overcome your obstacles.

  6. A problem that I mentioned earlier was that Matties mom had yellow fever. She beleived that her mom would get better and I think that it helped a lot. I related most to Mattie. She is strong willed, hardworking, and focused. I am that way too. I learned that yellow fever was such a big problem. I also learned a buy about what they thought would help cure you. We now know that bleeding out a bit will harm you more because you need white blood cells to help your immune system and when you bleed, well let's say it doesn't help at all...

  7. I finished reading the last third of Fever1793. In the last part of the book starts with Mattie and Eliza at the coffeehouse trying to save a kid whos name is Nell. While keeping Nell in mid October the days became swelteringly hot. During the unbearably hot days Nell and Mattie both fall very ill. Then the first frost comes, and with it the end of Mattie and Nells case of yellow fever. Not only that, but Mattie gets her mother butin frail condition but still alive. I liked this book a lot.

  8. The main challenge in my novel, Fever 1793, was the unexspected arrival of the Yellow Fever. Many people in Philidelphia where diagnosed with the deadly disease, and half of the population fled to the country-side. Many families where split apart, inclding Maggies' family. In her family Maggie and her mother over came the Yellow Fever, while the Grandfather was strangled to death by the robbers. And eventualy Maggie and her mother where reunited, along with Eliza. If I was to relate to any of the charecters i would relate myself to elizas' twin boys. I can relate myself to them because I also have a twin, and I was also the first in my family to be diagnosed with the swine flue. From this book I learned that no matter how bad things look you should always have an optomistic aitude because theres always a chance that everthings going to be ok.
