Monday, November 30, 2009


You have now finished reading your literature circle novel. After discussing the book with your group, share your final impressions of the book.

*In an earlier blog post you talked about a challenge in the novel, how was the challenge faced in your novel?
*Which character did you relate to the most? Why?
* What did you learn from the book?

Using the iTouches, answer all of the above questions in complete sentences.


  1. Melinda faced challenges, but then got up the courage and faced them. She faced her challenge by telling Rachel what had really happened at the party. She had been raped by Andy Evans, which is now Rachel's boyfriend. Rachel burst out of the room screaming liar, but the thing that counts the most is that she finally told someone. I think the character I can relate to the most is Melinda. I can relate to her the most because of the things that happen to her in school. Not the assault part but the judging part. Melinda gets judged because of the way she dresses and acts like. I think everyone in middle and highschool can relate to that.

  2. Melinda finally talked about and remembered what happened at the party. She told Rachel, but she didn't believe her when she said Andy raped her. When the whole school found out what Andy did to Melinda, the students at school all hated him and called him a perve. Andy then cnfronted Melinda and assulted her, thankfully she stood up for herself and stopped Andy from hurting her. She learned to stand up for self. I'm most like Melinda, I am in school and deal with ruoes and ocer opinionated people.

  3. My last impresions of Speak were that it was serious, true, and well written. Overall, I enjoyed reading the book. I was very surprised when Andy Evans tried to rape Melinda again. Melinda faced this challenge as well as her other challenges, such as depression and silence, by finally speaking out and standing up for herself. I feel like I can relate most to Ivy. Ivy is kind and caring and loves art, like me. I learned that you never know what can happen at teenage parties, and you should always be prepared.

  4. I thought this book was very well written. The author really expresses the chalanges of high school. It made you realize that we need to reach out to people that look like they need help. I thought that melinda handed the secret really poorly,she needed to tell someone and she put herself through more suffering then she needed. I think i relate to heather the most because she is organized, neat, and to the point. I learned from this book to reach out to people who need help because you neber know what their goimg through.

  5. Once Melinda stuck up for herself and said no to Andy she got her friends back. She told Mr.Freeman what happened. I relate the most to Ivy because she was there for Melinda even though they wernt that close. She forgave Melinda the quikist.

  6. The challenges that i wrote about last time were that she only had one friend, she called the cops at a party, and that everyone hates her. She overcame the challenge that she only had one friend by talking (eventually). She overcame the challenge and that everyone hates her by telling Rachel what happened and by her telling everyone why she called the cops and so people understand now. The character that i realate to the most is Ivy because she didn't stay mad at her for very long and she talked to hereven though she knew something was wrong. From the book, i learned that what other people are doing is not necessarily the best thing to do. For example, everyone hateing Melinda for calling the cops, when none of them know why she called the cops in the first place.

  7. Ivy didn't hold a grudge. She helped Melinda with her tree. Rachel should have listened to Melinda when she told her about Andy raping her. Melinda should have told someone sooner. It was destroying her, holding it inside that whole time. I learned that you shouldn't just get mad at someone without listing to their explanation. You shouldn't hold ll your emotions in.

  8. Melinda had to face the challenge of speaking. Ever since the party she had been to afraid to talk because she thought she would say to much. She had to face this when she was locked in the closet with "IT"/Andy Evans. She had to do something or else she new it would happen all over again. Though she would have to be loud because no one was near them. When Andy started trying to do things she shouted "NO!" Soon enough the lacross team came to her aid and Andy Evans was revealed for what he really is.
    I think I relate to Iva the most. She is quiet and artistic. She is very nice and trys to be Melindas friend. She can also be very clumsy and i bet she loves to read. Also she tries to be helpful.
    I learned that you should always face your fears and it will tearn out all right

  9. My last impressions of Speak were that it was realistic, well executed, and raw. Melinda faces her problems head on and starts off by telling Rachelle about what happened the night of the party. When Melinda tells her it is Andy Evans, Rachelle does not believe her, but the next day, something clicked, and she broke up with him. Next, Melinda faces another challenge when she was locked up in a closet with Andy Evans. Andy knew Melinda was the reason they broke up and he wanted revenge. He started to do the same thing he did at the party, but this time, Melinda had the courage and confidence to stand up to him. She screamed as loud as she could and fought back. Eventually, the lacrosse team heard her pleas, came to her side, and found out who Andy Evans really was. This also helped her face her problem of becoming mute, and being scared to speak up. I relate the most to Ivy because she is friendly, artistic, and non judgemental. She was the only one to not judge Melinda when everyone else did. From Speak, I learned that you should always speak up when you have the chance and to embrace your imperfections.

  10. Emi H. 7
    My first impressions of the book was that it seemed dark because of how she was shunned by her friends, and new friends.Plus she was lonely.But my last and final impression of her was still the same but I understood why she was like that. This book was well written and I liked how the story flow very smoothly with excitement of what's going happen next.
    The challenge that Melinda faced was that she could not open up herself to what happened at the end of the year party. But, she faced this challenge by speaking up. She even faced the fact to go against her fear, Andy Evans.

    The character that I can relate to can be Melinda's friend, Rachel. When Melinda told what happened at the party and who did it, Rachel didn't believe it. I kind of say something like, "You LIE!" since I say that a lot. It's not the same in that kind of situation but, if I was told something really unexpected, I would react the same.

    What I learned from the book was to be confident of myself to say "No" and mean it. When Melinda was always weak and afraid to fight back, this strain her social life. But in the end, she took the courage and and face it.

  11. The main challenge that Melinda faced throughout the novel was that she was ashamed about being raped and calling 911. It was even harder for Melinda to move forward, because her friends were ignoring her for most of the school year. Melinda built up her courage throughout the schoolyear, and at the end of the novel she was finally able to stick up for herself. I think that I related most to Ivy in the novel Speak. Ivy helped Melinda near the end of the novel and I also help my friends when they are in need.

  12. The challenge was faced by Melinda being trapped in the closet with Andy. She defended herself from him. I relate to Melinda the most because I tend to hide things from other people. I learned from this book that you have to tell someone if something bad happened to me. If you just keep it to yourself you are hurting yourself.

  13. The challenge was faced when Andy Evens traped Mlinda in a closest and tried to rape her again because she told Rachel ,his girlfriend, that he raped her. when he traped her in the closet this time she faught back and he finaly got caught so now everyone was on her side instaed of hating her.

    I most realted to Mlindas dad. I realted to him the most becasue he is one of thoos people who once you get started on a project you cant stop. That is exzactly how I am.

    I leraned from the book you should always talk about your problems. Don't be ashamead. the thruth is always the beat way to go. if you teel the truth it will end better then if you live your life ina a lie.

  14. Melinda faced her fears in the book by telling Rachel what happened to her. Even though she didn't believe it,it took a lot of courage to tell her what happened. In the end, Melinda finally stopped caring as much and she was herself again. She stood up for herself when Andy Evans was about to rape her again. And when she did stand up for herself, she said " i said no." I think i relate mostly to Ivy because she didnt care what other people thought. Also, she didnt care as much about what happened at the party when Melinda called the cops. she reached out to her and helped her. I think I relate more to Ivy. I learned from the book to not just judge people on the theor past and what they did. There is usually a reason for them doing it..

  15. The book"speak" has a lot of meaning to it now that I have finished reading the book. I dont know which character i could relate to. I would relate to Melinda i guest. But i would have not handled the problem like that because it took her to long to say anything and she was beating herself for it. I wounder where did the auther get her Inspiration from to write a book .

  16. The challenge faced in my novel was when Melinda finally stood up to It ( Andy ) and when the whole school finally found out what did happen at the party. The The character I relate to the most is Malenda because sometimes I feel like people are trying to pressure me into doing things that I just don't feel like doing. Also I feel like people try to make me talk when I feel best that I should keep quite. Though when I don't talk I know people feel as if they had done something to make me stop talking. What I learned from this book was that you shouldn't keep things inside because it could lead to some very bad endings. That when you don't talk about something people could just try about anything to make you feel better or they would just finally give up and quite on you.

  17. Melinda's challenge in 'Speak' was that everyone hated her because she called the cops at the end of summer party. They hated her because she called the cops but they don't know why. She called the cops because she got raped by Andy Evans. she faced the challebge of everyone hating her by telling rachelle and then when Andy assaulted her in the closet, but he got caught by some cheerleaders.
    I think I relate to Mr.Freeman the most because I like art a lot.
    From this book I learned that if people are quiet it doesn't mean that they hate everyone, it might mean that they could have had some trauma in their past.

  18. The challenge Melinda has faced is telling people that she called 911 at the party and telling them she got raped. But for a few months she was scared to tell people her secret. I could relate to Nicole because I would be mad at my friend she just ruined the party by calling the cops. But at the end Melinda was not scared anymore she stood up for herself.

  19. Melinda faced a lot of challenges. She told Rachel what had happened during party that causes her to call the police. She told her that Andy Evans had raped her at the part, but at the time he was Rachel's boyfriend. She called her a liar and then ran out of the room. The character that I can relate to the most is Melinda because sometimes I'm too shy to talk. I learned from the book was to express your opinion before it causes you not to talk anymore and you have to speak up for what you believe in.

  20. I really liked this book because it was kindof sad and unhappy most of the time, but it was funny and perfectly realistic the whole way. I learned 3 main things from this book. those 3 things were that you shouldnt decide to have sex with someone just because theyre good looking, that you shouldn't get drunk at parties, and that even if people don't believe you it's good to talk to someone and try to say what happened. The character i relate to the most is probably Melinda because in her own special way she is theost normal of all the characters. Andy's a sex maniac, Rachelle is really mean, and Ivy is too artsy to be normal. I'm not saying. That I'm normal, just that I'm no as weird as anyone else in this book. The main challenge that Melinda faced in this book was overcoming her fear of Andy and boys and being a normal girl again. I think that she succeeded in this when she finished her perfect tree and defeated Andy in the closet the second time. She realized that you have to forget eventually.
