Monday, November 30, 2009

Touching Spirit Bear

You have now finished reading your literature circle novel. After discussing the book with your group, share your final impressions of the book.

*In an earlier blog post you talked about a challenge in the novel, how was the challenge faced in your novel?
*Which character did you relate to the most? Why?
* What did you learn from the book?

Using the iTouches, answer all of the above questions in complete sentences.


  1. Brittany E 4th periodDecember 2, 2009 at 11:43 AM

    The chalenged was faced in a way of relaxation. Cole was mauled by the spirit bear after he tried to escape the island. Cole was sent back to the island after his wonds healed. I related to Cole the most. Cole is strong willed and has a lot of pride and determanation. He is also agressive and will almost do anything to avoid the worst punishment. I learned that there's always someone that is bigger, stronger, smarter, and better than you in some way. You can't win at everything and even if you think you're the best someone else is better.

  2. Alican Arcasoy the totally awesome dude guy who is soo flippin' awesome he has a sheen of awesomeness that blinds otherDecember 2, 2009 at 11:47 AM

    One of the challenges that I spoke of in my precious and enticing blog post was that Cole Matthews had been mauled by a vicious man eating BEAST. Another challenge that befell our valiant hero was when the genius little boy attempted to swim away from a desolate Alaskan island when the water was obviosly around 50 degrees and he should have known that it would be dangerous and that he might DIE! I can relate the most to Cole because sometimes I get extremely mad and hurt others in my blind fury. I learned that life is a circle and we are all part of the circle.

  3. Tiger Woods Im sorry for my mistakes but im moving on with my life despite the situation on my wife...5December 2, 2009 at 5:52 PM

    The challenge that was faced was that he was able to change his ways and become a better person to other people. I think that sending him on a remote island alone made him change because he's by himself and he's got no one to push around especially when he was mauled by the bear. I think i related to Peter in this book. I relate to Peter because i also get hit and abused by my sister but in a sister and brother way, not in a violent way but it still happens. I learned that although people may seem like they will never change i think you just have to be dedicated to that person and never give up on that person. I believe that everyone that has made several bad choices should get a chance to turn there life around.

  4. Wiley, who enjoys reading in the car.December 3, 2009 at 10:36 AM

    In the book Touching Spirit Bear, Cole is banished to an island for a year to deal with his anger. Although Cole is at first furious, after getting mauled by the spirit bear, he learns that life is a circle, and that anger can only be controlled, not removed. The character that I am most like is Garvey. This is because I am usually relaxed, and find reasonable ways to deal with problems. From reading this book, I learned that anger cannot be gotten rid of, only subdued.

  5. Jesse Barrow does not give a crud about what all of those mean people say so do not even try anyomore and is in 3 periodDecember 3, 2009 at 10:36 AM

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  6. The challenge of changing Cole in this book was faced by sending him to a remote Alaskan island where he had to survive for a year. Some of the things done to help Cole change were having him carry the ancestor rock up the hill, soak in a pond every morning at dawn, and having him help heal Peter. I think he changed because being mualed by a bear and being alone allowed him to think and realize everyone else was just as important or insignificant as him. I think I relate most to Cole because i'm really cocky and don't mind fighting people once in a while. I learned from this book that life can't always be about you no matter how much you think it should be and want it to be and that even the worst of people can change on the inside.

  7. The main challenge that was face was finding peace with your self. They over came this by forgiving each other and them selfs. I can not conect any of the charitors with my self. But I can counect Edwin with the elf from the book Elgest who has the golden dragon. I counect them by the way they teach their students. We leaned from this book is that it is to cold to swim in alaska, and not only dose someone have to forgive you, but you also need to forgive your self.

  8. I think that Cole faced his anger problem fairly well. After he realized that he was at fault, he was able to heal. I think that Cole made th right choice in chosing to help Peter one on one. What I learned from the novel was that the first step to being happy is to accept whose fault it was that you are angry. Sometimes it is hard to say that you were wrong, but if you do you will feel better along with whoever you wronged. The character I think I relate to the most is Garvey. I like to act as a problem solver and find solutions that are good for both sides. I also think that if I wrong someone, that I should work with them to make things right.

  9. (Beginning of post deleted by i Touch)
    Eventually he does a dance of anger to learn why he's angry. Then to make it up to Peter he brings HIM to the island to heal. And finally he carves a circle in a totem to show ultimate forgiveness with Peter.
    I think I'm most like Garvey. But not for the right reasons. I can be sarcastic with kids like Cole but not helpful. The one good similarity we share is that Garvey feels the urge to help kids like Cole because he had similar experiences, and I feel the urge to help kids with special needs out because my brother has special needs.
