Monday, November 16, 2009


You have now completed your first literature circle and read 1/3 of the book. What challenges have you read about so far? What challenges or conflicts do you predict will happen? How do you think the character/s will react to the challenge?

Answer these questions and pose a question you have. You may respond to your classmates' posts as well.

When you post, be sure to use your first name, the first letter of your last name, and your class period (ie. John D. 3).


  1. I have read about Steve being in jail, which is a huge conflict. Also, there is a conflict between the prosecuters and defendants. A challenge is trying to prove Steve innocent. He will be happy if he is innocent. My question is do you think Steve is innocent or guilty?

  2. Steve Is facing jail for life and his chances are low of success

    Will Pierson
    PS: wwhats gonna happen to him?

  3. Steve Harmon has to live in jail for a while and he is trying to hide his feelings. If he shows his feelings or cries then he will get beat up and he will be bought weak. His family especially his mom and dad also have to deal with their sixteen year old son going to jail while their younger son is looking up at him. I think that being in court will take a hard toll on him. I think he will also have to stand up for himself to proove himself innocent and that might be difficult because of all of the tough, mean guys around him. I think that Steve will be really sad about having to go through all of this. His family will be very sad too and Steve might have to tell them bad news.

    Question: Do you think Petrocelli cares about the people she prosecutes or is she just doing her job??

  4. Whats up its desean. I think that he will get some Problems in the jail because somethings gonna happen to him.He is gonna spaz out .

    Wil he get the movie out?

  5. Steve is having a hard time-he is not able to talk even he has the truth and the court is getting bad to him. I think he will possibly live his life in the jail. He'll possibly react to the decision that the jury made,but nothing will change.
    Q: Is Steve a criminal or not?

  6. I think that he will get Jail. I say that because there is no profe of him doing somthing.they have only said that King has done somthing.All the witness are all people in jail.They will say or do anything to get out

  7. Raekwon S. 5period november 18thNovember 18, 2009 at 12:36 PM

    steven has to live in jail and he was convicted for doing a robbery that he clames that he did do. briggs is giving steven and his laywer a hard time and keeps bringing in people in that look just like him and the other boy. i think that he did do the robbery because they said that he was a successful person that he was very good only got in trouble one or two times.

  8. So far in the book a 16 year old named Steve is being accused of being an involved in a hold up where the owner was shot and killed. His role was he was the lookout and he was to make sure there were no cops inside. One of the challenges he is facing is that if he is convicted then he could spend over 25 years in jail. I think that he wont get convicted. My question is what do the other three people have to gain from tellig the police that Steve was also involved?

  9. Steve Harmon is facing the challenge of being convicted for murder 16 years old. There is also conflict between the prosecutors and defenders. Steve also has to deal with the constant threat of conflict with the other inmates. How will Steve attempt to convince the judge that he is innocent?

  10. Sterlingggg 5th periodNovember 18, 2009 at 9:55 PM

    The main challenge in this book is Steve having to live in prison until his sentence is decided or if his case will be dropped. Living in prison is emotionally terrifying and Steve has developed a sense of constant paranoia.

    As a response to Alexandra's question, I think Steve is innocent. I only think this because on page 19 the book is basically given away. Steve says "I liked the ending." and Sawicki states that the ending is "to predictable." and usually in movies the most predictable ending is everything being alright. Soooo yee.

  11. The challenges that Steve has to face are 25 years to life in prison, and he has to convince the jury to give him a verdict of Not Guilty. A possible conflict could be that he could get in fights with the other convicts in jail. I don't think that Steve would do well if he were to get into fights with the other convicts. My question is, if Steve is innocent, why would he be framed, and if not, why would he do this?

  12. Well Steves lock up for the rest of his life.
    The conflict is with the prostcuter an the other person

  13. what i say is tha steve should not be scared because he is in jail when he has peploe coming over to see him without any problem because what i think is going to happend is that he is going to win his trial without being scared and be sad all the time.

    PS When is the real trial going to begint

  14. Some challenges in the book, Monster, that I've read about so far are that Steve is a 16 year old black male in jail and on trial for murder. The odds of him being proven innocent are not very good. Steve knows that he is innocent, but can other people believe him? The case is still going on, so that can be a predicted conflict. And, life in a Harlem jail is really rough, so that's another. I think that in the courtroom, Steve will speak up and tell the truth about what happened, and hopefully other people will listen to him. And he has to try and stay out of trouble in the jail.

    Q: Does O'Brien think he is innocent?

  15. Some challenges in Monster that I've read so far are that the main character, Steve Harmon, is in a trial waiting for the verdict if he is innocent or guilty about being an acomplice in a murder. We think he is innocent, but being accused again and again is starting to get to us and him. We cannot be certain that he is innocent, but we are not sure he is guilty either. I think that the biggest challenge Steve is facing right now is his own sense of doubt and the hurt feeling when he sees himself as others now see him- as a monster. A coming confict will be when it is Steve's turn to speak and tell everyone that he is innocent. Will he convince the jury? At this point, the story could go either way. My question is, will Steve end up being innocent...or guilty?

  16. Carson M. 7-
    I think that King is defiantly going to be found guilty. After all, almost every wittiness who has testified has said they saw him in the drugstore that night. If I were him I would just plead guilty and try to get my sentence reduced. I am less sure about what will happen to Steve. I think he will probably end up innocent, but the more I read the book the more I begin to question him. What the prosecution is doing really isn't fair. For instance they keep on grouping King and Steve together, as if to say that if King is a bad guy, then Steve is probably just as bad. The prosecution

  17. Well in the end of the book Mrs. O'Brein was able to convince the jury that Steve was found not guilty. I think I relate to Steve harmon the most because I have been accused of something I didnt do. I learned that when the truth is on your side, proving your self not guilty is a lot easier.
